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Thursday 13 April 2017

C++ Name space creation

                                    Namespace creation

Using namespace we can have class global variables function under one name : We can change global scope to Sub-scope.

Namespace is a container for identifiers. it puts the names of its members in a distinct space so that they don't conflict with the names in other namespaces or global namespace.

  • Namespace is a logical compartment used to avoid naming collisions.
  • The naming conflict or collision always Occur-
  • When same program is using more than one library with some variables or functions having same name.
  • The name collision may occur for global variable, global functions, classes etc.
  • Default namespace is global namespace and can access global data and functions by proceeding (::) operator.
  • We can create our own namespace. And naything declred within namespace has scope limited to namespace.

Creating a namespace :

  • Creation of namespace is similar to creation of class.
  • Namespace declartions can be nested within another namespace.
  • Namespace declarations don't have access specifiers. (public or private)
  • Namespace declaration appear only at global scope.
  • No need to give semicolon after the closing brace of definition of namespace.
  • We can split the defination of namespace over several units.

Syntax : 

Live Example

What is Unnamed Namespace  :

  • Unnamed namespaces are the replacement for the static declaration of variables.
  • In unnamed namespaces usable in the samespace in not mentioned in the declaration of namespace.
  • They are directly usable in the sme program and are used for declaring unique indentifiers.
  • The name of the namespace is uniquely generated by the compiler.
  • The unnamed namespaces you have created will only be accessible within the file you created it in.

Output :

How to Use Name space in C++ Programming Language :

Following are the ways to refer to namespace members:

Way 1 :  Using Scope Resolution :

In this method, we use the namespace name, scope resolution operator (::) and member of that namespace.

Way 2: Using Directive: 

We can use 'using' directive to specify the namespace.

Way 3: Using declaration :

It is a declaration within the current scope. this means it can override names from a using directive.

 Output :


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