C++ is one of the most versatile languages in the world. It is used nearly everywhere for everything… systems programming (operating systems, device drivers, database engines, embedded, Internet of Things, etc.)

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Friday 14 April 2017

C++ Identifiers : Tokans

                                C++ Identifiers : Tokans

We  have already seen, which are the different types of characters that are considered legal in c++. 

Tokans in C++ -

The group of characters that froms an basic building blok is called as Tokan. Tokan are of 4 types of token in c++.

A.  Identifier  :

Various data items with symbolic names in C++ is called as Identifiers. Following data item are called as Identifiers in C++ -

1.   Name of functions
2.   Name of array
3.   Name of variable
4.   Names of classes

The rules of naming identifiers in C++ :

1. C++ is case-sensitive so that Uppercase Letter and Lowercase Letter are different.

2. The name of identifier cannot being with a digit, However, Underscore can be used as first character while declaring the identifier.

3. Only alphabetic characters, digits and underscore (_) are permitted in C++ language for declaring identifier.

4. Other Special characters are not allowed for naming a variable/ identifier.

5. Keyword cannot be used as an identifier.

Some Example of Identifier in C++:


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